3 Grounding Techniques to Help Kids Feel Focused, Calm, and Confident This Summer & Beyond

Now that it’s a new season, that means there will be a lot of NEW, especially as we progress through the pandemic. From new summer activities and summer camp to a change of pace and seeing lots of people again, the new can feel both exciting and overwhelming for kids (and you!).

In case you didn’t know this, I grew up as a very shy, timid, and fearful kid. I know––you’d never believe that now! When I was with my friends, I was totally fine, but ask me to do this something on my own, have to strike up conversation with new kids, or raise my hand in a group setting—noo way. While I absolutely LOVED summer, heading onto the camp bus for the first time or trying out the “big kid” diving board at a public pool, made me very scared. And oh my goodness, going to activities at camp by myself freaked me out! For other kids, they have anxiety or worry about doing anything new or different from their school-year routine. Can you relate?

In our Zing! classes, we focus on “remembering to breathe”. Breath work is really important. We are always moving so fast that we forget to stop & slow down to do it! Breathing exercises are a great way to focus your mind & body, feel calm, and gather a sense of strength and confidence, especially when things get tough. Breathing exercises are wonderful tools to help kids practice self-care at a young age.

As we adventure through a new season, here are some of my favorite breathing exercises to help your kids feel like ROCKSTARS no matter what they’re facing. BONUS: these exercises are great for adults, too :)  Tag us on Instagram and Facebook and let me know which exercises your kids (and you!) love to do!


This is similar to the functional exercise we do in our Zing! Fit classes. Here’s how to do it:

  • Ask your kids how they feel. What’s worrying them?

  • Relax! Shake out your body and take a few easy breaths

  • Stand up & step your feet out wide

  • Reach your arms up and across your body (you can start reaching above your right shoulder). As you do this, inhale all of your negative thoughts (“I can’t do this, I’m afraid, what will the other kids think, etc.”).

  • As you exhale, with all of your might, chop your arms back to the opposite side of your body (go from the upper right to the lower left). On the exhale, let out a big, vocal “HA!”. It will feel SO GOOD.

  • Repeat this at least two more times on the right and do the same moves on the left. You can do this as many times as needed to feel like a total rockstar!

  • Afterwards, I encourage you to ask your kids how they feel following the exercise. Do they feel better? More relaxed? More energized? More empowered?

Check out my Instagram Post here to see how The Wood Chopper is done!


This is a really fun exercise for families to try together. This is an excellent way to calm down and feel better, no matter what!. Here’s how to do it:

  • Download and print this worksheet

  • Have your child take their finger and follow along the lines of the star and do as the words say. Breathe in (INHALE), Hold (HOLD your breath), and Breathe Out (EXHALE). Try having your kids hold each one for a count of FOUR.

  • After you make your way around the star, talk to your kid about they feel. More relaxed? More focused? Less worried/upset? Strong?

  • The Star Power sheet is a wonderful tool to print & and keep posted in your child’s room as a reminder that they have the power to feel AMAZING.


If you have a very active kid (aren’t they all?!), this is an awesome grounding exercise for you. I encourage to do the first one with your kid and then have them do the rest on their own. Here’s how to do the POWER STOMP:

  • Have your child stomp on the left foot then

  • Stomp on the right foot

  • Let out a BIIIG EXHALE

  • Ask your child to feel the connection of the feet with the floor. As your kid blows out a big exhale, have them imagine that they’re blowing out any anxious or negative thoughts.

  • Continue the pattern (STOMP, STOMP, BLOW, STOMP, STOMP, BLOW) for as long as you want/need! I suggest as least 4-5 times and see how strong your kid feels!!

What techniques do you use or does your kid like?

Would you like me to share more?

Let me know your feedback by dropping me a DM or sending an email here.

Here’s to feeling amaZING,

Coach Michele from Zing!


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