Healthy Summer Hydration for Kids

Summer is officially here and it’s about to get HOT☀️

Did you know that children aren’t as efficient as adults at cooling down in the heat? That’s why it’s EXTRA important for kids to be hydrated everyday this Summer (and beyond!). However, we know that staying hydrated isn’t always that easy, from kids not loving water to simply forgetting because we’re having so much fun in the sun!

Here are our Top 🖐 Tips to keep your kids (and you!) feeling hydrated & healthy ⬇️⬇️⬇️

  1. Kids should drink 4-8 cups/day, and possibly more if they’re outside in the heat or very active. Aim to serve up lots of water for your kids (or encourage them to do so on their own!) when they wake up, at meals, and throughout the day!

  2. Get a portable water bottle (fun designs are welcome!) to make drinking water throughout the day/on-the-go EASY. Some of our favorite brands for kids are Swell, Hydro Flask, Nalgene, and Camelbak. If you’re into DIY, we LOVE water bottle decorating parties! You can get plain/basic water bottles, get stick-on items or special markers from an article store, and have your kids decorate their bottles to their personal tastes! They’ll be so proud of their artwork and actually look forward to using their unique water bottles for hydration!

  3. Lead by example. Drink water and show your child how good healthy hydration FEELS! YUMMMM <3

  4. Schedule FUN water breaks! Take a break to drink water, make a silly face, do a dance move, try squats while holding your water, or go around and share your favorite moment of the day 😅 Tag while taking your next water break and show us your moves!

  5. If your child feels like water is “blah”, try adding lemons, berries, or cucumber to water for extra flavor (bonus: invite your kid to help you to do so!) 🍋

    Are these tips helpful?

    Do you have hacks of your own?

    Comment on what tips you’re going to try, what works for you, and share with a friend!

    Here’s to a very healthy, happy, and HYDRATED summer! 😎


3 Grounding Techniques to Help Kids Feel Focused, Calm, and Confident This Summer & Beyond