Event Recap: Zing! at NYC Summer Streets

NYC Summer Streets is one of my FAVORITE times of year. This is when the Department of Transportation closes down Park Ave from Central Park all of the way down to the Brooklyn Bridge (nearly 7 miles!) to bring New Yorkers together and enjoy the city streets. NYC typically does this for 3 Saturdays in a row from 7AM-1PM. You’ll see people running, biking, rollerblading, walking, and skateboarding down iconic parts of the city along with performances, food, drinks, fitness classes, and other activities that adults & kids can enjoy. Two years ago I was training for the NYC Marathon and this was the PERFECT way to get my long run miles in!!

Last year the event was canceled due to the pandemic. However, this year, the DOT & NYC brought back Summer Streets for just two weekends in a row and I was thrilled to bring Zing! in as the Kids Zone partner for the Astor Place activation.

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On Saturdays August 7 and August 14, Zing! hosted mini kids fitness classes every 30 minutes from 9AM to 12:30PM along with fitness games, raffles, giveaways, and more. Both days were so much fit fun for all!

The amazing photographer, Marisa Augustine, captured some of our favorite moments from rockstar jacks & amazing lunges to spinning the Zing! wheel and cooling off with our “I am amaZING” sweat towels!

Thank you to the NYC DOT/NYC GOV for being a valued Zing! partner. We look forward to more incredible events in the future.

If you’re interested in bringing Zing! to your next event, please reach out to us here.

Here’s more amaZING good times!

Coach Michele


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