6 Fun & Simple Ways to Help Kids Make New Friends

Hello! So this past Friday, July 30 was National Friendship Day!

We all know that friends are so important to a child’s social & emotional wellbeing and they help kids to learn crucial life skills. While friendship is so important, making new friends doesn’t always feel that comfortable or come that easy to some kids. Some kids are starting a new school or program, they’re shy, etc. That’s where I come in!

A big part of our Zing! class intro’s are introducing all of the kids in a fun, interactive way. As a former shy kid, I want to make sure every child feels special, supported, and connected. That’s why I’m sharing some fun, simple ways to help kids make new friends and feel like their most confident selves:

  1. Practice introductions, icebreakers, and asking questions. Gear your child up with questions like “What do you prefer: chocolate or vanilla ice cream. Why?” or “My favorite Zing! exercise is the Star Jack. What’s yours?” Do they need to work on introductions? Have them say their name with a fun fact! You check out my latest IG reel here on icebreakers. Check it out, try ‘em out, and let me know what you think!

  2. SMILE! I know this is silly, but as a kid, I never smiled. Once I started smiling more at people, people were drawn to me. Your kid doesn’t need to be smiling 24/7, but when you’re around new people, share a radiant, positive grin :) Smiles are inviting!

  3. Find Clues. Teach your child to look at other kids and see what they could be interested. People like to talk about themselves and what they enjoy. Does a kid wear Avengers sneakers or does her shirt have a unicorn on it? Find something the kid may like or what your kid may have in common!

  4. Prepare with stories & jokes. It’s alllll about the toolbox! Build up your child’s friendship toolbox with jokes, their favorite stories, etc. Coming up and practicing jokes, riddles & stories is a GREAT activity to spark your kid’s creativity & imagination, too!

  5. Talk to extended family members & friends. I always loved learning about my grandparents’ friends throughout their lives. Who they just met once, who lasted a lifetime, etc. Welcome your child to talk to your family & friends about how they made friends, friendship stories, and more. It’s a great way to help your kid to not feel alone and feel like they’ve got a team supporting the friend-making journey.

  6. PRACTICE! Have your kids practice making friends by trying & doing new things. From taking a Zing! class in the park or with a group of virtual friends or going up to someone in the playground, this is a confidence-boosting exercise that you’ll love.

Above all, remind your kids that they’re total rockstars and anyone would be lucky to be their friend. By building up their toolbox, your kids will become friend-making machines in no time!

Like this post? Want to see more like this? Have questions? Let me know here!

Here’s feeling amaZING!

Coach Michele


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